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Kotaro Honoji

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1Kotaro Honoji Empty Kotaro Honoji Wed May 14, 2014 8:48 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin


Kotaro Honoji Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQW1JZOaah-L9wSVpQdFxSpjweDmRsU4HZVvQ0jb1OAHNsh7cse

Kotaro Honoji FE-PoR_Tormod
"Why's that?"

Kotaro Honoji P91b

Name: Kotaro Honoji
Nickname: Poncho, Taro
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Village: Kirigakure
Village Rank: Genin
Skill Rank: D-Rank

Kotaro Honoji V128

Weight: 83lbs
Hair color: Red-Orange
Eye Color: Red
Looks Image: See Above
Looks Description: Kotaro is a fairly young boy and appears as such. He has a head full of fair red hair, that doesn't reach past his forehead. On his forehead is a green headband, but it doesn't not house a piece of metal that shows his village allegiance. That piece is black and located around his waist.

He often covers up in a brown cloak, using it to hide all his features, but his eyes. If this cloak is not on then he wears a garment that is similar to a cape with a hood. Underneath is a unique green cloth garment that has the arms cut out allowing them to be ventilated in mist of Kirigakure.

His arms are accessorized with gloves and a wrap of green clothe. Both his palms being covered with him being a puppeteer, he often works hard on his contraptions and would rather not wear out his hands. His shorts are fairly short, but suitable for a child his age. They match the color of his hair, then trailing down one can find bandages around his lower calf down to leather shoes.

Kotaro Honoji Cy10

Personality Description:
Kotaro is a very artistic child and enjoys building, painting, cooking, writing, and many more things. Though he seems very expressive he is actually very introverted like most artist and tends to keep to himself and only speak when spoken to. That's at least before people actually get to know him. Until then he is a very polite, well mannered, and humble ninja.

Kotaro is a shy, but vibrant character and hardly gets in down moods. He likes exploring both mentally and physically, always expanding trying to expand his knowledge. He likes to tinker with mechanisms and learn how things work, making him quite curious and hungry for information. Even with him being young, he has a bundle of more wisdom than most his age.

Due to his childhood, he has distanced himself away from his fellow Genin, but gladly helps when he is asked. He has minor trust issues and feels putting his fate in other peoples hands scary, though he prefers to never take lead. He likes to see others succeed and help them chase their dreams and that usually makes him happy and excel with them.

He is shy towards strangers especially females, but once decently acquainted he really opens up. Showing his sarcasm, mischievousness, competitive side, and even his sensitive side. This comes after he feels comfortable enough to trust someone though. And often he doesn't mind acting as if he does trust people, usually making it quite the surprise when he suddenly turns people down.

Unlike most ninja's he doesn't mind being bright and colorful and likes to see people who are. He finds it easier to be himself around them. He can be blunt at times, due to not having much social interaction, so he stands in a more mature light. But he knows when to hold his tongue when he knows his words can be offensive, which is almost always. Like his puppets he knows what strings to pull on people, who to ask what, when to ask them, and how to ask them.  He knows what mask to wear at the right time, to usually get what he wants and his favorite is the innocent child.  

Underneath all the maturity and wisdom, Kotaro is still a child at heart though and has to take off the businessman guise sometimes. He enjoys playing and menial games like tag and silly jokes that kids like. He doesn't chose to socialize with those his age, but when he does or his parents get him to, he finds it very enjoyable and freeing.

Likes: Jello
Proving others wrong
Bland or repetitive things
Being Misunderstood
Being Underestimated
Catch Phrases: "Yeah . . . I guess." "Well you could always (blah blah blah)"
Nindo: "Craft the most beautiful thing seen by mankind."
Kotaro Honoji 73m2

Element Affinity: N/A
Sub Element Affinity: N/A

Kotaro Honoji 32es

Kotaro was born in an upper class family as an only child and was considered a blessing. His family line has the odd tendency to bear little children, making him a treasure. He was spoiled and raised as if he were a king. This made children his age pick on him and usually stray away.

Seeing this his parents spoiled him more, metaphorically putting him a whole that would only grow deeper. Being young he didn't care though, he was glad with all of the toys and gadgets his parents were buying him. This is where the love of mechanism and engineering branched from. Eventually he quit trying to socialize with the other kids and only tended to his toys, breaking them down and building new ones. Noticing his love for building contraptions, his parents ever so happy to please him, one day bought him his very own workshop, equipped with all he needed. At the age of six Kotaro was already making amateur level puppets and testing them in the academy, pulling pranks and things of that nature..

As time past and he entered the academy, he eventually made a couple of friends and that soon enough turned into a network of close pals. But with Kotaro's above average understanding of physics and other general knowledge, he graduated early, leaving behind his amigo's. Again he went back to square one, into his workshop, and found company with his puppets. He hardly has the motivation to do activities as a Genin, since most of his fellow ninja are years older. So he hoped into the business of selling puppets.

Selling puppets however, wasn't an easy job. Not many needs for them and not many people wanted to buy deadly and armed tools from a ten year old. So what was he to do? This made the child adopt the alias as Poncho. Using a puppet to sell puppets, the middle man was dressed in an all black poncho like garb. The mysteriousness behind the persona, also proved to be a force to draw in more customers. Whether it be for little nick knack puppets or battle ready killers, people came to see what all the commotion was.

RP Sample: Look at all my other post yah?

2Kotaro Honoji Empty Re: Kotaro Honoji Wed May 14, 2014 9:16 am


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin


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