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Reflections [Private]

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1Reflections [Private] Empty Reflections [Private] Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:37 am

Ryo Terumi

Ryo Terumi

After he began his new job as Kazekage, Ryo had found himself writing much more about his past travels and missions, as a way to pass the time between meetings, training, making public appearances, and managing the village’s mission system. He had opened up a new scroll today and decided he would start to chronicle his past adventures, mostly focusing on the missions he completed over his time as a shinobi of Sunagakure. Reaching for a bottle of ink, and one of his favorite fine haired brushes, he would dip the fibers into the black liquid and begin to describe his past journeys.

Chapter 1: No Breaks:
Chapter 2: Dispose of the Bodies:

Total Alone Word Count: 1639
RP Alone Ryo Earned = 80 Ryo

2Reflections [Private] Empty Re: Reflections [Private] Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:06 pm

Ryo Terumi

Ryo Terumi

Ryo began his day by wanting to perfect many of the jutsu he had been working on over the past few weeks.  He had hoped that with his latest work on his elemental affinities, he would be able to gain mastery over a few basic techniques, hopefully to the level where he could use them in combat.  He had walked outside the gates alone, which had been difficult as an ANBU captain since everyone needed him constantly, and he went to go train his skills in a nearby portion of the desert.  He didn’t stray too far from the walls of the village, but he felt like he needed a change of scenery to increase his concentration.

He began by attempting to call forth one of the creatures he had signed a contract with during their travels.  It was such a long time ago, but a young salamander had crept his way to Sunagakure in order to deliver a message from another shinobi.  The young messenger salamander, whom Ryo knew as Yoshirou, was a traveler of sorts, never wanting to stay in a location for too long, and enjoying the company of others far more than combat and strife.  He had seen the world, and although quite youthful, Yoshirou was very knowledgeable on topics concerning different villages and techniques.  As Ryo was hoping to learn a few techniques this time around, it would only make sense to call forth his summon to help him out.  

Yoshirou had made it sound so simple, the technique needed to call him from the home of the salamanders, but Ryo was having a bit of difficulty remembering it now.  He knew the first step was to sacrifice a bit of blood, and he did so by taking a quick nip at his thumb.  The small cut was just enough for a bit of blood to pool on his thumb, and he rubbed the liquid on the remainders of his fingers on his right hand.  He then weaved the hand seals, around five to be exact, before slamming his hand on the ground.  His eyes shut in anticipation for Yoshirou to appear, hoping to hear his little buddy’s voice, and to see his excited demeanor, but nothing.  He opened his eyes, and the seal and fog that seemed to cover the entrance of such a creature was not present.  

Shoot, he really couldn’t remember what the seals to the jutsu were.  Was he supposed to lead with the dog seal, or was that the finishing hand sign?  Nevertheless, he couldn’t remember the correct order, but slowly and surely, it became clearer to him.  His mind traced its way back to when Yoshirou was teaching him the seals.  Now he was sure there were five seals, and eventually worked them out, getting closer and closer to finding the right order.  Finally, with a bit of blood, he weaved five seals before slamming his palm onto the desert floor, and in the familiar white fog and outstretch black seals spreading on the sand, Yoshirou appeared before him.  


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